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Revenue Accrual and Invoice Generation Based on Percent Complete

Oracle Projects can generate revenue and invoices based on the percent complete that you enter for a project. You can enter the percent complete for all the levels in the work breakdown structure (WBS). However, to generate revenue or invoices based on percent complete, you must enter percent complete at the funding level (project or top task).

Each percent complete entry you make has an As Of Date, so that Oracle Projects can maintain percent complete history. When you use percent complete as the basis for revenue accrual or generation of draft invoices, Oracle Projects uses the As Of Date to determine the current percent complete.

Revenue accrual based on physical percent complete is different from percent complete based on our budget (Actual Cost / Budgeted Cost). The method based on budgets, is also sometimes referred to as Percent Spent or Cost-to-Cost Revenue Accrual. See: Cost-to-Cost (Percent Spent).

Revenue accrual based on physical percent complete is also different from revenue accrual on an as-work-occurs (or time and materials) basis, where the total potential revenue is the sum of the revenue of all expenditure items plus events. See: As Work Occurs (Time and Materials).

Oracle Projects performs the physical percent complete revenue calculation using the following predefined billing extensions:

The revenue and invoice processes call the appropriate billing extension to calculate the revenue or invoice amount and to create an event.

See Also

Setup Requirements for Percent Complete Revenue and Invoicing

Processing Percent Complete Revenue and Invoicing

Processing Percent Complete Revenue and Invoicing

To accrue revenue or generate draft invoices based on percent complete, you submit the PRC: Generate Draft Revenue or PRC: Generate Draft Invoices process. To submit the process for one project, submit PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project or PRC: Generate Draft Invoice for a Single Project. You can also submit a project streamline request.

The revenue or invoice process performs the following steps:

The event revenue or invoice is subtracted from budgeted revenue to obtain the net available budgeted revenue or invoice amounts. The process then effectively apportions the event revenue or invoice for the duration of the project.

Agreements with Hard Limits

If the agreement funding the project has a hard limit, the Remaining Funding Balance is the amount of funding left. This portion of the formula (part A) is required because revenue for an event cannot be partially accrued. If the amount calculated in part B of the formula is greater than the amount of funding, then the Remaining Funding Balance is taken as the accrued revenue or draft invoice. An event is still created in this case.

If the agreement has no hard limit, only part B of the formula is used.

See Also

Percent Complete


Event Types

Billing Extensions

Automatic Events

Assigning Event Types

Entering Agreements

Generate Draft Invoices

Generate Draft Revenue

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