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Approval Authorization Control

You can define flexible groups of authorization rules (Approval Groups) which you assign to specific document types and jobs or positions (based on your implementation). These authorization rules are comprised of include/exclude and amount limit criteria that you specify for Document Total, Account Range, Item Range, Item Category Range, and Location. You can associate multiple approval groups (collections of authorization rules) with a single document/job or position combination to create unique approval structures in support of your organization's signature policies. Finally, you link employees to authorization limits when you assign them to jobs or positions.

When you attempt to approve a document, Purchasing evaluates the authorization rules associated with your job or position and the document type to determine whether you have adequate authority. If you do not have enough authority to approve the document, Purchasing provides default routing information based on your approval setup. Depending on the level of routing flexibility you specify, approvers may or may not be able to change these defaults.

See Also

Defining Approval Groups

Assigning Approval Groups

Defining Approval Authorization Rules

Using Approval Assignments

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