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Implementation Decisions

Review your business procedures

Your implementation team should re-examine all your business procedures in light of the functionality in Oracle Projects. The terminology your business uses, your organization structure, your accounting practices, how you classify expenditures, and your reporting policies are just a few issues that will influence many decisions you make about your implementation of Oracle Projects.

Preparing your implementation data

Your implementation team must determine how to configure the features in Oracle Projects.

As you determine your implementation data, you must keep AutoAccounting in mind. The AutoAccounting feature in Oracle Projects derives values for account combinations based on project information for all accounting transactions in Oracle Projects. Consequently, the way you organize your chart of accounts affects your implementation data. For example, if you charge several expense accounts for varied expenditures such as meals, travel and lodging, and airfare, then you need to implement an expenditure type that corresponds to each expense account. You can use most of the implementation data that you define for Oracle Projects as inputs to the AutoAccounting rules that you define.

See Also

Overview of Setting Up Oracle Projects

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